Super Supermarkets

I had kind of been looking forward to going grocery shopping in a place filled with a wide variety of products that I understand. But the selection of margarines - a shelf large enough to encompass almost the entire dairy section of my old local Netto - had me baffled and pissed-off and bitter in a matter of minutes. After a grand total of 6 months in Denmark and at my parents’ house - where I never had to buy the food - I have forgotten most of my old brand loyalties, and so I had to re-read the ingredients list of each tub o’ yellow to see if it was vegan or not, and look closely at the price of each one, and wonder if the used-up tub would make good tupperware or not. Then I grabbed the crap store brand in a huff, figuring all my vegan friends can provide their own damn butter substitute and I’ll just use the tub lid as a frisbee, because I was getting cold standing in front of that cooler.

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