
The most beautiful things in my house were made by my grandmothers. When I’m home, and don’t have too much else on my head, I can feel a distorted echo of this humming right through me - a sudden desire to find a cheap apartment in Kitschville with a sleazy receptionist job that will allow extra time for the development of cleverly embroidered nose cozies. It gets really bad when I find instructions for making underwear from old T-shirts.


  1. Eloriane wrote:

    oh my
    I hope you are not doing that Yami
    then again, we don’t really need to know about your underwear…

  2. chris wrote:

    we need to know everything about your underwear

  3. yami wrote:

    Okay, those of you who already knows everything about my underwear, raise your hands. I should at least make sure I’m not repeating myself too badly here.

  4. Kat wrote:

    ::raises hand::
    Um… did you mean just from your blog?
    ::puts hand down, slinks away quietly::

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