Can’t Even Sweat

So here I am in Iowa, where the water content of the atmosphere actually violates the laws of physics and chemistry. My nose appreciates the extra hydration - dried-out crusty desert boogers are no fun - but the rest of me wants to sprawl on the floor and die.

This is how I got here:

  1. I knew I had a red-eye flight departing on Tuesday, and blithely assumed this meant arriving Wednesday. But no! It actually meant departing on Tuesday, at 12:10 AM!
  2. I figured this out at 9 on Monday night.
  3. My suitcase is full of an astonishingly random array of clothes. But I have my passport and wallet, so everything else is gravy.
  4. The Detroit airport has a few comfy chairs hiding at the ends of the lame-o local flight concourse, hoorah!

Also: Operation Summer Guest Blog Extravaganza is underway! Four shall be the number of guestbloggers we shall have, and the number of guestbloggers shall be four. But five, five is not right out if you sign up in the next 48 hours or so.


  1. Rana wrote:

    Oh, the humidity!
    D. and I encountered its vicious form on Monday, the crushing heat blanket; we were meeting some of his family’s old friends for lunch and ended up wandering verrrrrry slowly around a garden, trying not to generate any more BTUs than were absolutely necessary.
    Thank heavens for AC.

  2. yami wrote:

    Yes, and our AC is broken at the moment…

  3. Rana wrote:

    Oh, man. I feel for ya. o.O

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