Where on (Google) Earth #20

Okay, okay, technically I am jumping the gun on this one - Tectonite has yet to unmoderate the comments on WoGE 19. When she does, I am sure I will be ignominiously revealed as the 4th or 5th person to find the estuary. However, I am so very excited to have finally upgraded my operating system to something that can run Google Earth, and then to have managed to solve a Where on Google Earth puzzle before Ron Schott’s secret laboratory of zombie minions finished running around moaning braaaaaingalore, that I don’t care. I’m going to put up the next one and we can all pretend we just hit the multi-ball jackpot in pinball.

Where on (Google) Earth?

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  1. Where on (Google) Earth #21? » Ron Schott’s Geology Home Companion Blog on 23 Jun 2020 at 7:33 pm

    […] don’t know if this one will slow things down, but having “dune” away with Yami’s WoGE #20 I suppose it’s up to me to try to stump you all again with #21. Given how fast Dr. Lemming […]


  1. Ron Schott wrote:

    Oh Yami, you just served up a real softball for me seeing as the Sand Hills of Nebraska are practically in my back yard here in Kansas.

    So assuming I’m quick enough to post my comment, I’ll put my zombie minions to work looking for a tricky one for WoGE#21 - I’ll probably give you all a chance to catch your breath and post it sometime on Saturday afternoon. Check back here for the link.

  2. yami wrote:

    Oh, I know, but they’re so much fun!

    Despite growing up in Iowa I had no idea they existed until I drove through them last winter.

  3. Ron Schott wrote:

    Okay folks, my zombie minions have posted WoGE #21. Have at it!

  4. Sabine wrote:

    #24 is up, but I think I might have made it overly difficult. I’ll give good hints if nobody nibbles.

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