Where on (Google) Earth? #35

I figured out Ron’s vacation itinerary, so now it’s my turn again. I have a short vacation coming up in a couple weeks, to an area of geological interest… but I thought I’d pick out instead a place that I will probably never get the chance to visit in real life, that nevertheless is one of my favorite fantasy vacation destinations:
Where on (Google) Earth? #35
I think finding this one, and explaining the geology, should both be pretty easy. So super bonus points will be awarded to anyone who can tell me what is wrong with me that I didn’t post a picture of some nice coral atoll instead.

Since this one is so easy, the Schott Rule is in effect. Former winners, please wait one hour for each time you have won before posting your solutions. Official win counts can be found in Ron’s master compilation, which you can add as a network link in Google Earth (thanks, Ron!).


  1. Ron Schott wrote:

    Minor correction: the master list is not yet a network link (though that’s the plan when I figure out how to do it). You probably have to reload it to get updates - I just added your win on WoGE #34.

    Now that that’s taken care of…

    Let’s go newbies!!! It’s about time we had some fresh meat! :-)

  2. yami wrote:

    It may be working better than you think - #34 has appeared for me just fine. You do need to manually set a refresh rate in the layer info box, though.

  3. Ron Schott wrote:

    Hmmm… curious. I guess I’ll cross that off the “To Do” list!

  4. tectonite wrote:

    59° 4′ S, 26° 27′ W

    Arc volcanoes + sea ice. I started with the Antarctic peninsula, and then worked to that little arc - I can’t remember it’s name, but it’s down in the south Atlantic, and there it was.

    The few high-resolution images of Antarctica and surrounding areas are pretty cool. The sea ice in your photo looked like a backscatter electron image of a polished thin section - that confused me for a moment!

  5. tectonite wrote:

    Also, subduction zones are just inherently more interesting than the average tropical atoll. Especially teeny subduction zones that appear to be sneaking across the south Atlantic ahead of weird little plates. And, ummm, I’ve seem some interesting papers about the area in Geology, but don’t remember what they said.

    Also, perhaps you prefer seasickness to sunburn.

  6. tectonite wrote:

    Here’s the Smithsonian Institution’s Global Volcanism Program’s description of the volcanoes.

    “The extensive icecap on Bristol Island and the difficulty of landing make it the least explored of the South Sandwich Islands.” That would make it an interesting (and adventuresome) place to visit.

  7. yami wrote:

    The seasickness would definitely be a problem, but I suppose if it makes me grateful for a tricky landing and a glacier it’s worth it :D

    IIRC the Sandwich plate is a case of back-arc spreading gone mad.

  8. tectonite wrote:

    I apologize - I forgot to post a link to #36. Here it is - but Chuck has already solved it, so check The Lounge of the Lab Lemming for #37.

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