The Bloggerista

I'm twenty-three. Woman-born-girl, I'm uncomfortable with the age/maturity divide embodied in those two terms, but unwilling to explore these feelings in the cultural milieu provided by Britney Spears.

The pseudonym comes from my early career in literature - it's how I spelled my name when I was 3. I ruthlessly mine its ludic qualities. McMoots is just something I tacked on when I realized no one else was using it - Internet branding is a fun game.

Things You Might Have Been Looking For

Gabbro is a plutonic rock composed mainly of plagioclase and pyroxenes. It doesn't have much to do with the rest of this site - it's not even green, really - but it's a damn fine rock. If you came here searching for actual, useful information on gabbros, try this introduction to gabbro or the Journal of Petrology.

In the Western (and Midwestern, and I guess Eastern now too) US, you can find Two-Buck Chuck at Trader Joe's. If you're looking for the Muppets Manama, Manamana, or Manahmanah song - you know, the one that was recently featured in a Dr. Pepper commercial - the reason you haven't found it yet is because it's spelled "Mahna Mahna". It's available on The Muppet Show 25th Anniversary Collection.

I don't know what the deal is with fat free half and half, but I do know that masturbation won't give you hairy palms. You won't find any pictures of how I know that here. Used tampons can be safely flushed in most sewer systems, but cause problems in septic tanks; don't search for your girlfriend's without telling her first, kinky boy. National Pie Day is in January and Pi Day is in March. They're really not the same holiday.

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