Year in Review

Here, Have a Clip Show

  • Post I Really Wanted More Comments On: What would you name as “science world heritage” sites? - Good science heritage sites should force us to consider the process of science, in addition to its results and historical characters.
  • Most Likely to Be Used as a Manifesto in 2020: Asking for a Pony - Yet here we are, apologizing for asserting our own desires, because there are little goblins in our heads spewing out endless variations on the theme of no, you can’t have a pony.
  • The One Post You Should Read to Understand What I’ve Been On About in 2020: Leaking from the Pipeline Again - life is just too short to fart around pretending that if you exercise just a leeeetle bit more gumption your problems will all go away
  • Best Science Post: The Spinning Dancer and the Brain - If humans had less wimpy olfactory processing, I’m sure we could figure out some bistable smell illusions, too - though as far as I know no one has tried to confuse dogs with this particular technique.
  • Best Geoscience Post: What’s the Good News of Geology? - What is the message? Fund my research or San Francisco gets it?
  • Honorable Mentions: The Comic Potential of Orthogonality, I Can Has Country Back Nau Plz?

Previous clip shows: 2020, 2020. Other year-end lists are below the fold.

Most Popular Entries

… at least, if you go by number of pageviews.

  1. The Spinning Dancer and the Brain
  2. Scientiae 13 - Today I am happy to share with you what is inside of everybody’s heads: BRAAAAAAINS!!
  3. Look What the Discovery Channel Thinks of Female Engineers - Women are okay as engineers - as long as they are also sexbots. I’m so glad that’s settled.
  4. Galveston Bids for Darwin Award - Hurricanes, though, happen several times per year and cause serious damage several times per decade, which is well within the 30-year timeframes used by planners and mortgage brokers
  5. My review of Leaving the Ivory Tower - Skimming the first few chapters might be mildly cathartic if you’re trying to make sense of your own grad school experience, but I really don’t recommend plowing all the way through unless you’re intimately involved in reforming graduate education.

Most Googlicious Older Entries

Compare this to the list from summer 2020 - not much has changed.

  1. Someone Has a Crush on Me - in July, Google jiggled its algorithm and this entry suddenly became the #2 result for “who has a crush on me?”. This month, it netted me $1.68 in ad clicks.
  2. Fat-Free Half-and-Half
  3. Happy Hair Fetish - featuring quite possibly the first appearance on this blog of the artist currently known as Mr. McMoots
  4. Tara, I Hate You
  5. Gotta Pee
  6. Friday Random Nineteen - people are still looking for spies in lingerie
  7. What I Hate About Menstruating
  8. Insert “In Soviet Russia” Joke Here
  9. Someone Wants Naked Sorority Frolicking - this one was an act of deliberate Google-doping that actually worked
  10. Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Months in Advance

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