Purchase Goods and Services

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So on the one hand, I like appreciation in the form of money. I'm young, I want to go places and do things, my crack habit car sucks at my bank account with the strength and determination of a newborn vacuum cleaner, there's an IKEA in town. On the other hand, I'm a pretty lousy charity case. I have a nice professional job with a nice professional salary; I don't even need a boob job. I can't just take your money without offering something in return.

Option 1: Text Ads

You too can have your name in the attractive sidebar! A $0.50 minimum buys 2020 ad impressions, or 10 click-throughs. You can place an ad through textads.biz, and pay through PayPal. Alternatively, if you hate PayPal, you can use my Amazon tip jar. It takes a bit longer (since I have to post your ad for you) and has a $1.00 minimum transaction, but it'll still work just fine.
Amazon Honor SystemClick Here to Pay Learn 

Option 2: Schwag

For a lark I created a small schwag shop at cafepress. Currently, it's got a few items printed with Hawaiian vacation photos. Let me know if you've got a request.

Option 3: Amazon Commissions

Using one of these links to amazon.com or amazon.co.uk will give me a small kickback. Occasional links to individual book pages are scattered in the blog; you are highly advised to purchase every single thing I link to immediately upon clicking the link. I only link to brilliant literature. Really.

There's also an amazon wish list that I haven't updated recently.
Squinting? Try changing style sheets.