green gabbro

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It seems that I've survived my annual glancing blow from the Martha Stewart transmogrifying ray, with only a small stack of crusty mouldering soaking dishes to show for it. And leftovers, of course - there was a brief window early this afternoon where my shelf in the refrigerator had cleared so much that I was no longer afraid to look at it, but that window is gone now, the precariously perched bags of cranberries replaced by precariously perched tupperwares full of turkey. At least I can open my cupboard without fear of falling yams. As the saying goes, a good time was had by all.

And, even though it's technically no longer Thanksgiving in this time zone, here's a list of very trivial items for which I am thankful: tupperware, saran wrap, flat toasters, vertical toasters that make the bread pop up when it's done, toasters that go *bing* when it's done, toasters that don't go *bing* when it's done so that you can go *bing* all for yourself whenever you want, spoons.

Good Night.

yami · 23:54 · 22 November 2020

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