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Shameless Begging

...but it's for a good cause. I just now signed up for a candlelit fundraising walk this Saturday, with an ambitious goal of five bucks over the minimum sponsorship. The money goes to the AIDS service center and Elizabeth Glasier pediatric AIDS foundation - and you can sponsor me on the Internet! Which I hear they have on the broadcast spectrum now.

yami · 18:14 · 29 November 2020

Not from Abroadia with a credit card, I can't...

des von bladet · November 30, 2020 06:00 AM

Pah, forrin monies, isn't it? They actually do allow credit cards, I think, once you get past a "paypal is cheaper for us" screen - but maybe not from Terrist Abroadia.

yami · November 30, 2020 08:55 AM

I was following the Credid Card Track when I was thwarted, for sure.

If someone could lend me a valid USAian address for to which my "goods" might be "delivered", I could probably get it to work.

des von bladet · November 30, 2020 09:06 AM

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