Demographic Uplift

Well, well. It seems that the American Family Association has a little poll about "families", which they claim they will use in future """pro""-""fa"m"ily""" activist work (sorry about all those scare quotes, but I need them to preserve my tenuous grasp on the English language). It would sure be a shame if the results of their poll failed to reflect the distressingly intolerant nature of their organization, wouldn't it?

yami · 20:39 · 16 Dec 2020 · #
Filed under: Gay Rights

delicious and nutritious

From the Quiet Activist department: are you irritated at the Salvation Army's decision to revoke domestic partnership benefits in the Western sector? Sick and tired of faith-based charities whose faith condemns important parts of your life? Then say so with these delightful little queer dollars, which can be easily stuffed into the bell-ringer's pot along with your real-money donation. No hassle, no fuss. Frankly, I try not to micromanage any company's health care policy without a good deal more information than I've got, and I generally prefer to spend my activist time and money working towards a proper set of marriage laws so that economic decisions aren't horribly mucked up with queer rights issues, but the Harvey Milk three-dollar bill is just too cute to resist.
yami · 15:03 · 30 Nov 2020 · #
Filed under: Gay Rights