
If anyone cares, I have been in Iowa since Thursday, and will be returning to the City of Smog (heavily laden with sweet corn) on Sunday. If nobody cares, I have still been in Iowa since Thursday, and will still be returning on Sunday - but perhaps I won’t have quite as much sweet corn along.

I am continually thinking I hear the phone, which is absurd, because I am also squatting on the phone line like an obese woman might squat on a kitten. I suppose it’s time for bed.

For a quickie, though, do you ever notice a difference between anyone and anybody, or noone and nobody? I don’t, unless I’m counting syllables.

yami · 0:13 · 23 Jul 2020

3 Comments to 'Geography'

  1. do you ever notice a difference between anyone and anybody, or noone and nobody?

    Nope. Except that “noone” always has, and always will, look funny to me. Looks like it rhymes with “Boone.”

  2. Yeah, well, mostly they are interchangeable. But not completely. “Anyone could do it” means pretyt much the opposite of “No one could do it.”

  3. I usually spell no one as two words. I don’t know if one version is more correct than the other, but two words seems to alleviate confusion (i.e. eliminate the tendency to read it as rhyming with boone).

    I don’t really have any differing connotations between no one and nobody, and between anyone and anybody. I think the difference is primarily aural. I would choose one over the other depending on which flowed better with the context.

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