Someone Wonders

What kind of place is Riverside?

It’s the kind of place that’s by a river, one would assume. Also, the kind of place that’s the future birthplace of one J. Tiberius Kirk. It’s the kind of place that appears in forty states, many of which have no rivers to speak of, but apparently not in Canada. Huh.

there are quakers on the moon

No, just people who dress like Quakers. But before you move to the moon and start dressing like a Quaker, find out which religion is right for your complexion.

‘Tis a gift to be simple. You are blessed with a complexion that can bear the harsh light of day. (But don’t forget your SPF) Flaunt it. Be out. Be outside. Your simple, yet stunning, sense of style is best expressed along the Mennonite line. I’m thinking Shaker, Amish, maybe even Quaker.

Go with sundrenched yellows, bleached whites, springtime greens. Christ has risen. And so too, has a new fashion sensibility. Fresh! Bold! Crisp! The fabrics of nature best express your sunny outlook, cottons, linens, simple silks and woolens.


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