Blissfully Unaware of my Peril

Perhaps Kyso Kisaen will be a bloggy guide and muse through the Rite of Femminess otherwise known as getting hitched; she seems to have her priorities straight:

I already know shit like “less booze = less money” or “borrow stuff or make it, teehee!” Any dumbass knows that skipping a 4-tier cake-orgy in favor of a […]


I sidste aften har jeg til sidste spist noget rødgrød med fløde. Huskammerat hvem har fået grøden, sagde det var en tyskisk ret “rotegrütze” med “Bavarisks vanillefløde” - men vi ved hvad han betyder, ikke?

A Game

Inspired by Pablo Neruda. Fill in the blanks:

I want to do to you what ______ does to ________.

… children do to politicians
… Midwestern grandmothers do to Jello
… oil does to the American economy
… slumming yuppies do to all the good bars in town
I can’t write as sexily as Pablo Neruda. Life is so hard sometimes.

The Rhetoric of Patriarchy

I’ve been having a bit of an argument with a Bitch about the correct use of the word “patriarchy”. She’s been very interested in arguing that patriarchy is worthless as an idea, and to present those arguments she uses “patriarchy” in the sense that radical feminists have used it, as well as people like Heidi […]

About Aboutas Aboutamus

Once upon a time, a bunch of what must have been innocent tildes (~) were mechanically replaced by the phrase “similar to”, which is not entirely how the ~ was used in the nerdy parlance of the time. So it resulted in some absurd constructions, like:

[A] period of rapid uplift along the Sierran crest of […]

Ow My Fingertips

My mandolin calluses are still iffy, but I think I’ve officially moved from Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star to Boil Them Cabbage Down. Which means I need a reliable source for the shittiest drum loops EVAR, preferably in a format that can be directly imported into GarageBand. Because what does the world need, if not abominably […]

My New Internet Catch Phrases

To fully understand ____ is to fully understand the unblinking eye of madness.
Sekuhara hahaha!

Own Your Own Conditional Penultimate Paragraphs

There’s an article in Nature this week about how physicists are all territorial beasts with the blood of their colleagues dripping from their manly fangs. And yes, Ad Lagendijk does emphasize the manliness of the fangs - if you’ve got a subscription or a privileged IP address, you can read the whole thing here. If […]


There’s a syntactical quirk I’ve been noticing lately, particularly in journals like Geophysical Research Letters where the length limit can produce some rather strained syntax, but in other places too:

Whereas Fact A, Vaguely Contrasting Statement B.
Whereas the crust does this thing, the lithospheric mantle does something else.
Whereas the well-functioning executive encourages the best in brains […]

Suggested New Vocabulary for Disaster Newscasters

Old Vocabulary: Conglomerate The refugees are conglomerating on the buses
In geology, a conglomerate is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of largeish, rounded to sub-rounded chunks, cemented together in a matrix of smaller grains. I’m sure the metaphor is apt, and people are indeed being packed on buses to the point of cementation. But more specific […]