What I’m Reading Tonight

Great discussion chez Hugo on PETA’s dubious tactics and building uneasy coalitions. In particular, Pip weighs in:

What I’m suggesting is that in this case and many others, the absence of “common [ideological] ground” isn’t a barrier to co-operation, it’s the *basis* of it. Both sides are entirely clear-sighted about the nature and limits of the […]

Endorsements for Los Angeles Judicial Offices

Fellow 29th/21st/44th District mostly-doctrinaire lefty Hugo Schwyzer has posted his ballot, for all but the judicial slate. We agree on everything except the things we disagree on, but it looks like my ballot has ten more names on it than his!

Under the fold are my endorsements for Superior Court Office Nos. 18, 29, […]

Ahoy Me Hearties!

Arrr, even me landlubbin aunties is talkin like pirates today! But they be not tellin such salty riddles:

Q: Whom did the pirate vote for in the Haitian election?
A: ARRRistide.
Q: Wait. Why did they let a pirate vote in the Haitian election?
A: Remember, the nation was taking its first halting steps toward democracy, and balloting procedures […]

Holy Racial Pigeonholing, Batman!

Local ethnic pseudo-group fails to act as a monolithic voting bloc! News at 11. Note to Asian-Americans: pls resolve differences and pick one (1) stereotype k thx.

SUVs illegal in Pasadena

I’m so writing my city councillors on this one: 3-ton SUVs are illegal in my neighborhood (and others). I’m sure if they tried to enforce the ban, all the Hummer owners would get together and “help” with the City Hall renovations… but hey, an irate citizenry knocking down historic buildings is a small price […]

Snekaos i L.A.?

It’s time once again to bring the joys of snow to poor inner-city children and city councilpersons:

Last time, Reyes and his staff tried to make their own [snowman], but it turned into a disaster because none of the Southern Californians knew how to build one, said Reyes spokesman Tony Perez.
“We don’t have a lot of […]

Housing Markets

So now that I’m a yuppie, I need a Yuppie House. My job is far away from all the trendy neighborhoods (unless you count San Dimas, which won’t be trendy for another couple thousand years) so the ultra-tiny, ultra-expensive IKEA studio is not an option. I’m going for more of an obscure, trendy houseplants and […]

Committee Committee

I’m on a committee that makes more committees; Caltech’s student government is brilliant like that. Over the past two nights, we’ve spent 10 hours interviewing students to fill up our 9 latest, greatest committee creations. If I hear one more person talking about how they wanted to give back to the community, and serving on […]

Night of the Living Dead Mall

My earliest memories of the Sycamore Mall were of this big animatronic Christmas tree they put up each year a ways down from Santa’s house. It moved its branches and spoke in a pleasant contralto; I was absolutely terrified. More recently, though, I’ve been thinking of the place as a study in retail failure. You […]