What I Learned in the Field This Month

I’m afraid my summer photoblogging chronology has been thrown off, as I left the card full of England-pictures at my aunt’s house. It’ll come back to me eventually. Meanwhile, here are some pictures of Science!
The first two were taken just north of Lake Tahoe, where UCB has a research station. The rest are from Yosemite […]

Travelogue! Days 13-18

Same deal, with the pictures now and words later, hopefully.
Days 13-16: Århus, Copenhagen

Days 17-18: Stockholm

Travelogue! Days 9-12

Bergen, Stavanger, Kristiansand
From Voss, we took the remainder of the famous train line to Bergen. We had a scant three hours in Bergen before catching a ferry; I ran off to glimpse the medieval quarter and tick another item off my UNESCO World Heritage checklist while Mom went to have her picture taken underneath all […]

Travelogue! Days 4-8

We arrived in Norway still mourning the loss of our third day in Iceland. The contrast between the clumps of tour busses and the neighboring wild open places was so stark that you can’t help but be dazzled by thoughts of what else is out there, equally stunning and totally unspoilt. The proper way to […]

Travelogue! Days 0-3

Days 0-1: Minneapolis
Never trust a travel agent.
We arrived N hours early at the Minneapolis airport (”we” being my parents, my sister, and myself), Mom bearing a purple multi-compartment binder full of tickets and reservation numbers and an unimaginable amount of Pure Organizational Essence. When she dropped it on my suitcase, my socks rolled themselves into […]

Up Echo Mountain

Hiked up Echo Mountain today, which is only a 6-mile walk round trip so there’s no need to be impressed with my mountain-climbing prowess. My feet are unimpressed with the endeavor, for sure, as is my lightly sunburnt skin.
The summit was a stop on the old Mt. Lowe cable-car line, which has since been dismantled […]

Summer Flowers Bring September Fires

Sunday was California Desert Day at the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Gardens. One of the hazards of knowing people who work at these places is that you occasionally get roped into going to underregistered children’s events… but there were pretty flowers!


Sure, I’m blogging on a Saturday night, but that’s because I went outside today and picnicked while the sun sapped all my energy. Look!

Iimage Gallery Test Post: Seattle

Though most of the WordPress-related dust has settled, the problem of What To Do With The Photoblog remains. This post is mostly to test out IImage Gallery - which could be a swell plugin. And I still have a few pictures laying around from my visit to Seattle, sooo…

Photocontest: the Sequel

I hereby present Photo Contest #2: Malibu. Fewer images here than in the previous round, and I don’t think they’re quite as good - we didn’t get to the beach until almost sunset, after all, plus my camera broke. But you should vote anyway!