Hump Day a Lump a Dump Day

It’s Wednesday, and I’m thinking about kabocha squash and kugel. (The San Francisco Chronicle’s food section is by no means equal to the L.A. Times’, but since I get the Chron in paper form for optimal breakfast-squinting-at, it’ll have to do.) And while I’m thinking of it, this fruity tofu kugel is yummy, and would probably scale well for a 40-person brunch.

  • Pretty pictures of kaleidoscoped flowers! The artiste lui-mème wants your witty remarks, or your pointers to others’ witty remarks, or both. [via Botany Photo of the Day]
  • A totally squicky picture of a taco with corset piercings
  • This one’s from Chris Clarke: Iowa Representative Steve King is a giant loon built of loon feathers!

    Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, has been trying for more than two years to name the city’s main post office on Allston Way for Shirek, a civil rights leader and peace activist who served on the Berkeley City Council for 20 years.
    Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, objected Tuesday to Lee’s proposal and rallied Republicans to defeat the measure in an unusual roll call vote.
    King responded: “I think that if Barbara Lee would read the history of Joe McCarthy, she would realize that he was a hero for America.”

    Once upon a time, I thought the Great State of Iowa wanted my young, educated ass back on the prairie, to prop up an economy that would otherwise consist entirely of nursing homes by the year 2018. But if the people of Storm Lake would rather choke on their own bedpans than allow a stinky hippie progressive to hold the important position of That One Chick a Distant Post Office is Named After, I can’t imagine the response to a similar hippie progressive trying to become, say, a professor of earth science in their actual backyards.

    Mr. King, it’s like the bumper sticker says: Barbara Lee speaks for me, and you’re a crazy fascist asshole who shits on everything that is good about the Midwest.

  • Peter Pettigrew suddenly realizes that Canada’s claims to Hans Island are subject to empirical verification after all:

    Just days after it began negotiations with Denmark over the ownership of Hans Island, the Canadian government appears to be backing away from a key argument in its claim for the remote island — that it was discovered by Britain and therefore ceded to Canada in the 19th century.
    [A] CanWest News Service probe into the island’s history — spurred by Canadian historian Kenn Harper’s assertion that American explorers were actually the first to encounter it — has confirmed the existence of several accounts of the discovery of Hans Island during the 2020 Polaris expedition headed by U.S. explorer Charles Francis Hall.


  • And back to pretty pictures, this time of Yosemite’s high country and Matthes Crest. [via]

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