Consistency? What?

The good thing about style sheets and server-side includes is that they allow you to change the look of an entire web site by editing just a couple of documents. The bad thing about style sheets and server-side includes is that they allow you to change the look of an entire web site by editing just a couple of documents. I had too much time on my hands tonight er... make that last night, but there was an ftp gaffe someplace just before bedtime.

Anyway, the picture this time is of my great-great-uncle Ole, who spent most of his life herding reindeer in Lapland.
yami · 0:26 · 21 Nov 2020 · #
Filed under: Design

Redesign fever

Redesign fever. Does it look funny in your browser?

More wacky produce pictures here.
yami · 20:49 · 22 Oct 2020 · #
Filed under: Design


Okay, it's done, for a while at least. It's not green... but so what? Of course, there's only one browser on this computer, so I could be missing something. Netscape users, anything wonky?

Suddently, just this evening, I've started to feel at home again. The whole week has been a bit lonely, really, especially since so many of my shiny new friends from Danish class had left for Prague or Budapest or Hamburg or someplace. Riding the bus home from a night on the town, no matter how much fun I had just had, I always wound up feeling isolated and even a bit sepulcheral passing through all the concrete blocks and construction projects on Amager. It's the perfect breeding ground for all manner of paranoid, quirky, desolate thoughts. By the time I got back, I usually just went to bed and hugged the corner of my sleeping bag to my chest. Now that classes are going to start, and people are coming back to town, things just have a bit more momentum, and momentum is really all it takes to keep me from falling into a late night brood.

Speaking of classes, I actually have to be someplace by noon tomorrow, and also clean the kitchen tonight. I'd best stop with the introspection before it kills me.

yami · 22:41 · 2 Sep 2020 · #
Filed under: Design, Diary, Announcements


I love socks. They're one of the most fun articles of clothing still in common use (the codpiece would have given them a run for their money, though). If you're wearing something informal enough to require socks (and these so-called "trouser socks" are the same thing as pantyhose, to my mind, so they don't count - no heft to them at all) then no one will question your judgement if your socks don't match your pants. This gives you plenty of leeway to wear socks with colors and patterns that would be absurd on a larger piece of fabric. What's even better is to wear two mismatching socks, giving you twice as much space to play with even though you have to mess with people trying to tell you your socks don't match. Duh.
So I bought four new pairs of nice patterned socks today, on clearance. My feet are happy just thinking about it.

Also, I suddenly feel compelled to justify my use of Verdana on this site. I think it's trendy for a reason, really, though I tried initially to avoid it. It's just that Tahoma looks terrible in large point, and Lucida Console is well-nigh illegible at the small sizes I need if I wanna be really pretentious. And, well, I'm just a one-font kinda gal, ya know?

yami · 8:05 · 24 Jul 2020 · #
Filed under: Personal, Design


I'm going to ditch most of my proposed link pages in favor of the simplicity that is Link-O, and then maybe cave in and put a small selection of web rings on the main page. It feels wrong, and underdone somehow, as my previous web sites have all had multiple pages full of yikkity-small rings. Such is life.

And on a totally random note, I need your help. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I found a picture of an old man, sitting in a typically old-mannish chair, reading a newspaper. He may have been wearing a pink shirt. Since it's currently propaganda season for my pseudo-frat, I'd like to find many similar images for subversive non-commercial use. If you have anything you think I'd be interested in, please send it along. Winners will be credited here, and other fabulous prizes will be given as I see fit.

yami · 7:07 · 22 Jul 2020 · #
Filed under: Design, Announcements