A Brief Discussion of Other People’s Politics

I had a post all prepared about how clean running water is clearly more important than sex, because we put up with shit from plumbers that we would never take from a potential mate - not calling when they say they will, not showing up when they say they will, etc. But then the plumber […]

The Privileged Huff

Nubian’s thinking about why white liberals freak out at the word “racist”:

i think that white people fear the r-word because it “others” them, just as how race, others people of color. once their invisible markers of identity become visible, their fragile “normative” status of superiority is threatened and problematized.

Being as I am a white liberal […]

All I Haven’t Said

Now that I’m safely curled up in my old room, time to take a whack at the ol’ pile of provocations:
Rad Geek on the Bill of Rights:

The Garrisonians, because so many of them were fervently religious, talked about a higher law than the Constitution; that’s partly right, but in a sense it’s also a matter […]

Stuff for Sale and the Intertwixtion of All Oppressions

Given my unemployment and the fact that the real moving frenzy hasn’t started yet, I haven’t been posting much. Since I don’t have quite enough crap to support a proper yard sale, I’ve been devoting my creative energies to describing it all on craigslist.
I’m doing this on craigslist and not ebay because I’m too lazy […]

What I’m Reading Tonight

Great discussion chez Hugo on PETA’s dubious tactics and building uneasy coalitions. In particular, Pip weighs in:

What I’m suggesting is that in this case and many others, the absence of “common [ideological] ground” isn’t a barrier to co-operation, it’s the *basis* of it. Both sides are entirely clear-sighted about the nature and limits of the […]

The Moral Matrix

Another 2D political quiz. I’m in the moderately upper left:

Ideologies: Social Democratism
US Parties: No match.

Ain’t that the truth. Sigh.

Back on the Horse

Okay, the Martinelli’s is still in the fridge. Unopened, it’ll last for three years, but I don’t want to keep politicized apple cider through a move. So in the next six months, I’ll need to celebrate something.

I’ve read more stirring post-election posts than I can count, but I’ll lead with Ampersand’s:

The big mistake the Democrats, […]

Fusion Tickets

We’ve got two pieces of electoral reform brouhaha on our ballots today in California - I voted “no” on both. There’s lots of ways in which to reform party primariesm, many are ill-conceived, and manyI haven’t heard of. Like Fusion ticketing. I would love to have voted as “Green for Kerry”…but alas, I don’t live […]

Citizens Don’t Let Citizens Watch the RNC

Rana and Harrison
are both feeling somehow obliged to pay attention to the Republican National Convention, or barf trying. Nonsense, I say! There are only three good reasons to watch the RNC:

The Republicans (or protesters) might possibly do or say something that will change your vote.

The Republicans (or protesters) might possibly do or say something that […]

Note to People on Political Volunteer Phone Lists

When someone calls you up and asks if you’d like to volunteer again this year, please don’t tell them about your disappointment with the Democratic Party. The person on the other end doesn’t necessarily like the Democratic Party any more than you do, though her feelings may or may not be accurately characterized as “disappointment”. […]