Easy glide

No one is allowed to stop talking about Brokeback Mountain until the Oscars. Which is fine by me, but only because this reading should score me some points in the House of Applied Queer Theory:

The idealization of the Lady (or queer love/assfucking) is a way of occluding the Other. In courtly love, the traumatic Other […]

How Homosexuality Hurts You

After years of pestering wacky homophobic activists to describe the precise mechanisms by which same-sex parenting will cause the downfall of society, and getting back nothing but gobbledygook, it seems that the March of Science (or actually, in this instance, the October of Nature) has produced an answer at last:

Here we show that the C. […]

Berkeley Time

At Cal:

Because we’re laid-back West Coast hippies, we start everything just a little bit late, and it’s cool.
Because we have an acupuncture needle stuck up our collective ass, we decided to make that precisely ten minutes late. If you show up at 11 minutes past you’re really harshing our learning buzz, y’know?

New arrivals to campus […]

Demographic Uplift

Well, well. It seems that the American Family Association has a little poll about “families”, which they claim they will use in future “””pro””-””fa”m”ily””” activist work (sorry about all those scare quotes, but I need them to preserve my tenuous grasp on the English language). It would sure be a shame if the results of […]

delicious and nutritious

From the Quiet Activist department: are you irritated at the Salvation Army’s decision to revoke domestic partnership benefits in the Western sector? Sick and tired of faith-based charities whose faith condemns important parts of your life? Then say so with these delightful little queer dollars, which can be easily stuffed into the bell-ringer’s pot along […]