How I Rescued My Blog from Google’s Cache

Detail-oriented readers may have noticed the sudden appearance of a full-fledged category list, which, if you explore, is the gateway to a fully populated set of archives stretching once again back to the misty pre-9/11 world of innocence and laughter.
After the cut: nerdy details of how I recovered, just in case anyone else has a […]

Nerds for the Cause of Justice I: Proof of Concept

At long last, my interest in blogular technology has the potential to pay off in the Righteous Struggle for Justice! The story, for those of you who don’t live in my radical corner of Blogospheria, has been aptly summarized by Piny, as follows:

Basically, the problem (part of the problem) is this: a “little” blogger will […]

New Plugin: Recently Spammed

I figured this plugin would be easy to do, given the right starting point, and boy was I ever correct. Setting up the documentation took twice as long as actually writing the plugin itself.
So, I bring you Recently Spammed, the WordPress plugin that tells you what the spambots have been reading lately. You can see […]

Sweet Sweet Unemployment

Today is blogtinkery day! For anyone who still hasn’t upgraded to WordPress, and is using BAStats - upgrade BAStats before you upgrade WordPress, or everything will explode.
Funniest shit I’ve seen all week.
You’d think chemical companies would have figured out how to stop killing and maiming their workers by now, but apparently not. Readers with […]

Weighted Words v. 1.1

Weighted Words version 1.1 is available! This version will now split words on exclamation points, and contains an option for pretty search URLs. It also fixes an XHTML validation problem with the ugly search URLs.
If you don’t use mod_redirect for pretty permalinks (or you don’t want pretty search URLs), you don’t care about XHTML validation, […]

Weighted Words Plugin

I’ve just completed my first-ever WordPress plugin: Weighted Words. It prints out a paragraph of the most commonly-used words in your blog posts, with the font size scaled to reflect their relative frequency.
And, dude, I’ve talked about socks more often than I’ve talked about rocks! Whoa. So, um, y’all should try it out, and link […]

I Wish I Were Covered in Fuzzy Knobs

Myopia and hyperopia in people and jellyfish, and the poetry thereof.

Fun with htaccess

Added a few new things to th’ old htaccess file today, to deal with old broken Moveable Type archive links and comment and referer spammers.

To convert the old MT monthly archive URLs to the shiny new WordPress versions:
RedirectMatch 301 /archives/200([0-9])_([0-1])([0-9])\.php /200$1/$2$3/

To redirect a subset of referer spammers (anyone with more than 1 dash in the […]


I’m screwing with my RSS templates tonight. So far, I’ve changed the comments feed to include the title of the entry each comment was posted on - ’cause I dunno about you, but I find a context-free stream of recent comments to be exceptionally irritating. I should put in some forking something, too, so this […]

Special to Fellow WordPress Blogtinkers

From here on out, I intend to document everything snazzy I do to this blog on my Codex user page. Tonight, that means writing a bit about how to rename wp-comments-post.php (it’s really not that tricky). Readers who are interested in this sort of thing are encouraged to hop over there and join the fun!
Also, […]