Hello world!

Have you backed up your database lately? I don’t just mean hitting the “full backup” button on your web site’s control panel; I mean backing up your databases. Because apparently the “full backup” button doesn’t do that. Neither does your web host - their vaunted “daily backups” only cover your home directory file structure. If […]

Nerds for the Cause of Justice I: Proof of Concept

At long last, my interest in blogular technology has the potential to pay off in the Righteous Struggle for Justice! The story, for those of you who don’t live in my radical corner of Blogospheria, has been aptly summarized by Piny, as follows:

Basically, the problem (part of the problem) is this: a “little” blogger will […]

Year-End Bloggy Wrap-Up

So I actually have multiple posts in the draft queue that will outshine this year’s entire output combined with their dazzlingly pure incomprehensibility pretentiousness wit and insight. But I’m just on the edge of sick, my head feels like one of those fluffy, dynamically unstable rings around Uranus*, I probably won’t finish any of ‘em […]

I am the Prince of the Air

So a bunch of LiveJournal/Xanga/Myspace kidz have been trying to use my pictures as background images. Which would be all well and good if they were savvy enough to get their own damn servers… but no.

I put in some image hotlinking protection several yonks ago, to deny such requests. Apparently, the 403 errors and utter […]

Gender Blogrolls Quick Post

There is yet another game of prominent liberal male bloggers asking themselves why they don’t link to more female bloggers being played at the moment. It’s approximately as fun as a game of Chutes and Ladders, which is to say, not very fun at all. (While we’re somewhat on the topic, I’d actually be very […]

Top Five in 2020

It’s not so much a choice between applying to grad school and blogging; procrastination is a foregone conclusion. It’s a choice between procrastiwhinyblogging about application essays as the retroactive construction of a mendaciously coherent personal narrative (yawn) or doin’ some easy stuff. Hugo importunes us all to share our most marvelous self-absorptions of the year; […]

Rhetorical Gatekeeping, Gender, Etc.

Bitch Ph.D. is indulging in a metablogging series; Part 1 includes a satisfying rant against the necessity of continually explaining one’s fundamental premises to all the ignorant yahoos on the internet, and the genderedness thereof:

When one is not teaching entry-level courses, when one is trying to think something through at a fairly high level of […]

On Third

FYI, there’s a nice discussion on anonymity, and to an intruiguing but insufficient extent the genderedness thereof, happening over at leuschke.org. Me, I rather enjoy not having to defend my chosen level of thin pseudonymity, so I won’t weigh in. But it’s interesting nonetheless.

Almost Obligatory Meta-Introspection on the Occasion of my Blog’s Birthday

Yes, I’m in it for the ego trip. I’ll say that right up front, because I’m going to mention a few other things I’ve got out of this deal and I don’t want to sound like a zealot. I am tickled out of my gourd when someone enjoys this stuff, or decides that I am […]

Liminal Kangaroo Courts

Analogies of the form “blogging is like conversation” or “blogging is like journalism” are seldom of interest to me unless they also include comparisons to kangaroos, tree frogs, or inside-out space zebras - and Turbulent Velvet’s letter analysis is no exception. On a tangent, though, he brings up the notion of liminal space between public […]