Medium Viscosity Fluid Mechanicians Win Ig Nobel

This is old news by now, but eternal bloggish laggardliness is the price of having a job I can’t actually do in my sleep. Anyway, this year’s Ig Nobel physics prize has gone to an experiment demonstrating a concept near and dear to every* geophysicist’s heart, the ability of brittle materials to behave as fluids […]

Crackpot Internet Scientist of the Week

The Final Theory — A Scientific Revolution has Arrived! Reclaim your birthright of understanding, and get answers to all those pesky unresolved questions your high school physics teacher refused to talk about, like:

Q: How can a fridge magnet cling against gravity
endlessly without draining a power source?
A: It can’t … fridge magnets are impossible according […]

But What About Time Cube?

Depicted are energy wave shapes of colored pyramidical energy crystals that are self-constructing larger colored pyramidical crystals of matter from out of random chaos. We feel that this picture along with hundreds of others that we have taken at a Quantum level substantiate Einstein’s hypothesis of the existence of the UNIFIED FIELD THEORY.

[A Quantum Mini-Black […]

Time for Time Cube

More fantastical Gene Ray paraphenalia: Very silly tricksters at screaming midget inviting him to give a lecture. It gets sillier towards the bottom - scroll down.

5:00pm: Opening remarks.
5:15pm: Children’s choir sings Time Cube medley.
5:30pm: Native drummers.
5:45pm: Interpretive dance entitled “Time Cube”.
6:00pm: Human offering to Nuh’ut’qu’avut.
6:30pm: Pie eating contest.
7:00pm: Introductions.

I Heart Time Cube

Just in case you hadn’t heard, Gene Ray the Time Cube guy gave a bit of a talk at MIT. What with the mad-crazy networking in the scientific community and pseudo-greek organizations of the privileged and all that, I got a summary of the event fresh in my email. Here are excerpts, rearranged a bit […]